A&A Legis Consult

  • Date: January 25, 2020
  • Categories: Content

FonduriEuropeneBistrita.com was a pioneering project that marked the beginning of my web development career. Tasked with building the site from scratch, I set out to create a visually appealing and highly functional website that would distinguish Fonduri Europene Bistrita from other consulting firms. This project not only involved initial development but also multiple redesigns, SEO optimization, business card design, and ongoing management.

I focused on visual appeal and user experience, I designed a modern and professional website that highlighted the firm’s expertise and services. The design was created to be both attractive and intuitive, ensuring a seamless user experience.

I hosted the website for about two years, providing ongoing maintenance and updates. This included monitoring the site’s performance, addressing any technical issues, and ensuring security measures were in place.

Also, as a sidenote – I rebuilt it 3 or 4 times. Just to make sure.